Thursday, May 14, 2015

Issue with during Oracle 11g install on CentOS 7

Installing Oracle 11g Enterprise on CentOS 7 didn't go quite as smoothly as planned.  However, by combining knowledge across several articles I was finally able to make it work.

During the install I received an error that wasn't mentioned in the Oracle install procedures or the article I used to guide the install at "Link 1" below.  The error was when the installer was trying to call a target in "".  The message was:

INFO: /lib64/ undefined reference to `memcpy@GLIBC_2.14'"

The solution essentially involved installing glibc-static and making the necessary updates to the file.  See "Link 3" below for details on how to resolve the error.

To install Oracle 11g Enterprise, first follow the steps in the post at "Link 1" below, but you will likely encounter the error described above during the "Link Binaries" phase of the install.  If you do, then follow the steps in "Link 3" to resolve the issue with "".

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Installation Error - Listener is not up or database service is not registered with it.

While attempting to install Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle 11g during the last phase of the Oracle 11g installer, it encountered the following error.

After checking to ensure the listener was up and doing a tnsping to the instance via the cmd window, I was at a loss so proceeded to Google to try to find the answer.  After some digging, it seemed to be a fairly common problem.  However, none of the solutions worked for me.  At least none of them individually.  After piecing together several solutions that others posted I finally was able to get the installation to succeed.  Hopefully this helps you if you are stuck in a similar situation.

Note that this installation is on a machine without a static ip or domain.

If you haven't done so already, make sure to add the <ORACLE_HOME>\bin directory to your path so that you can run the Oracle utilities without having to be within the <ORACLE_HOME>\bin directory itself.

Let's get started!

First, install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter.  This will allow you to specify a dummy host/domain on the loopback ip.  See the following Microsoft TechNet post for details:

Once you have the loopback adapter created and have updated your hosts file, stop the Oracle listener via the command line using the command "LSNRCTL.EXE stop".  Use the "Net Configuration Assistant" to remove the listener and add a new one with all the default values and the same name.

Next, you will need to update your listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files to set the host as the dummy host/domain you specified in the hosts file.

The listener.ora file located at <ORACLE_HOME>\network\admin will contain something similar to the following:


The tnsnames.ora file located at <ORACLE_HOME>\network\admin will contain something similar to the following:

<DB_SID> =


Now you will need to start the listener back up again using the command "LSNRCTL.EXE start".

Ensure the listener is up by using "tnsping <db sid>".

Next run the command "emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate" as Administrator and follow the configuration prompts displayed.  If it completes successfully it will also list the URL you need to go to in order to view the Enterprise Manager page.