Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flash Pivot Table for Web Applications

Pivot tables are extremely useful for summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data in different ways.  They are most commonly seen in spreadsheet applications such as Excel, but require you to open a file on your computer or share the file via email or a shared drive in order for someone else to see the same reports.  In researching a way to visualize a large set of data with hierarchies of data while at the same time being able to organize the hierarchies in several different ways, I came across a product from flexmonster.com.  They have built a pivot table component using Flex, but not only is it a fully functional pivot table, it also allows you to generate pivot charts instantly.  You can even change the parameters of the pivot table on the fly and load new data if desired.  The component is highly customizable to be able to fit the look and feel of an existing web application.  The documentation is somewhat sparse, but is complete enough when used in conjunction with their trial or demo code to figure out how to get most of what you need from it.